All Cocks Stories Box Set Volume 1 Read online

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  Jordan stifled the laugh that was dangerously close to falling off his lips. Chris glared at him. “Never mind,” he huffed.

  He was about to get up and stomp off to his bedroom, slamming the door, just so Jordan would know he had hurt his feelings. But then Chris remembered, one, he didn’t have a bedroom and two, he wasn’t a fucking chick!

  “I’m sorry, shit, it’s just too funny. You should see your face!” no longer able to hold it in, Jordan was full on laughing at him now. Chris returned the one raised eyebrow, but the corners of his mouth turned down into a frown. Well, more like a glower. This, of course, only made Jordan laugh louder.

  Eventually, Jordan was able to stop laughing long enough to give Chris some pointers on giving an amazing blow job. The look on Chris’s face when Jordan started describing the art of rimming was priceless, and sent Jordan into another round of hysterical laughter. “I’m going to stick my tongue where?!” Chris shrieked, and Jordan almost fell out of his chair.


  Twelve hours later Chris found himself back on the couch he sat on that first day he had interviewed for the job at All Cocks. He was dressed in a pair of loose fitting jeans with strategically placed rips and tears running down the legs and a white tank top, just socks, no shoes. Mattie had been in charge of his wardrobe and make up and Chris decided as soon as he slipped the snug jeans on that the twink would hence forth be his personal shopper. He’d never had a pair of pants fit so well, and Mattie had never taken any measurements. When Chris asked Mattie how he knew the correct size, he simply shrugged and said, “You’re Victor on steroids, no biggie,” before he whistled his way out of the room.

  Sure enough, the setting was laid back just as Victor promised, and there was no one else in the room with him except for Andrew, who held his camera on his shoulder as he asked Chris questions about himself. Chris was tense though, he couldn’t seem to relax and some of his answers were curt and clipped. Eventually Andrew sat his camera down on the table and sighed, rubbing his eyes with the palms of his hands. When he leaned back and looked at Chris out of the corner of his eye, Andrew could see the young man had visibly relaxed as soon as he had sat down the camera.

  Andrew positioned the camera at an angle to get only Chris in the shot, but left it sitting on the table and started over with the questions. Without the distraction of the lens and the light, Chris became more confident and elaborated on his answers more. He stuck to Victor’s idea to tell the truth about his past, just not all of it. Christopher Allan Roberts became Kris Alen, a sometimes shy former high school football star that decided to see where life in the big apple could take him instead of following his childhood dreams into the NFL. They left out the part where Chris had killed his girlfriend in a car crash because he was a selfish prick that decided to drink and drive.

  “So, tell me what it is you find most attractive in a partner?” Andrew asked, camera still rolling.

  Chris blushed at the question, his eyes slanted downward while he starred at his feet before running his fingers through his hair. With a shy, awkward smile he said, “Honesty, passion and strength.”

  “Jesus, that was fucking perfect and it wasn’t even scripted.” Andrew just smiled over at him.

  Chris looked up into his mesmerizing blue eyes, “Yeah?” he whispered, and then almost jumped off the couch. “Shit, I forgot the camera is still rolling!”

  Andrew waved him back down, laughing, “Don’t worry I’ll edit the shit out of this footage before I post it on the site.”

  Chris smiled again and Andrew thought about how many fucking videos would be downloaded on the site, for that smile alone. He continued with the interview, changing up his usual round of questions to fit the mood that Chris had set with that shy smile. As time moved on Chris became more comfortable, where his answers were short and calculated in the beginning, he loosened up and answered with more honesty and personality toward the end.

  “I love the work you’ve had done Kris, will you tell everyone out there the story behind some of your ink?” Andrew asked, honestly wanting to know. He had noticed Chris’s ink the first day they met, and had been patiently waiting to learn the story behind each piece that adorned the big guy’s body. And still, with Chris sitting here in just jeans and a wife beater, Andrew was certain he wasn’t seeing the canvas in its entirety. Once again Chris blushed and smiled awkwardly, as if he wasn’t used to anyone taking notice of his beauty. Andrew added that notation to the ever growing mental list of questions he needed to ask when the camera was off.

  Chris ran his fingers over his heart, “My first tattoo is here, it’s a tribute to someone special to me that I lost far too soon.” Thinking about the heart that was drawn over his own with Amanda’s initials in the center of it threatened to destroy the jovial mood of the afternoon, but Chris shook it off and worked his way down his arms explaining the tribal tattoo on the left, the long stemmed rose with thorns on the right. Both stretched from elbow to wrist, the thick, black tribal markings were for his Irish heritage and they just looked really cool, the rose and thorns a reminder that while life was beautiful, it could be painful as well.

  “I have a Raven on my back with the wings stretching across my shoulder blades, a cross for a tramp stamp.” He said the last part with another smile, drawing an equally bright one from Andrew along with a small laugh. “I also have some ink on my legs.”

  “I don’t suppose I could talk you into showing us today?” Andrew asked.

  Chris shook his head, “Have to save something for later, right?” he joked.

  “Fine!” Andrew pouted, “I see the top of something on your collarbone there, what is that one?”

  “Oh, that is the Alabama elephant.” Chris pulled the neck of the tank top down and turned his shoulder toward the camera showing a simple black, almost tribal looking elephant. “When I was in high school and still dreaming of a career in the NFL, I had leads on a scholarship to the University of Alabama. A full ride, it was a sweet deal let me tell you.” His smile faded away then, talking about his lost dreams. “But life had other plans for me it seems.”

  There was a pregnant pause then, the room going silent while Chris seemed lost in thought and Andrew tried to read those silent thoughts through Chris’s eyes and posture.

  “Well, we have to save something for later, I agree. I think our fans at home will be anxious after this to see your first on camera video, and then possibly a sexy collaboration with one of our other All Cocks models soon.” Andrew picked up the camera then and just before he flipped it off Chris leaned into view smiling and waving like an enthusiastic teenager.

  “Okay, I’ll edit this down to a fifteen minute introductory video to go on the site, with your approval of course, and then get it uploaded. Sound good?” Andrew asked him.

  “Yeah, sounds good. But, can we talk about my first video? What I have to do and what you guys are expecting from that.” Chris sounded very unsure for the first time since they first started a couple hours ago. Andrew picked up his cell phone from the coffee table and ticked a few keys while taking a few healthy drinks of coffee. Not even a minute later Mattie and Victor came into the room.

  The four of them sat and talked for a while, mostly about clothing options, settings for the next couple videos Chris would shoot and who would be his first fuck, for lack of a better term. “I am thinking it would be easier for you to give us something we can use if you have partner that will give you an impression of a woman for your first couple times.” Victor said, to which Andrew whole heartedly agreed.

  “Do you remember Gabe?” Victor asked Chris. “You met him at the house the first day you came out.”

  “The short blonde guy, right?” Chris asked, this time Victor nodded.

  “Gabe is a doll; he is very sensual guy, but he’s also understanding of the fact that you are straight. He has done some amazing videos with Jordan. I think it’s the fact that he has a very effeminate nature. You okay doing your first full on scene with
him?” Andrew asked him. Chris thought for a moment, and he had to agree with Victor and Andrew.

  “Yeah, that sounds fine to me,” he said.

  “You make good time today love,” Victor said, leaning over and kissing Andrew. “Mattie has the bedroom area clean and ready for a shoot, if you are wanting to do his solo today.”

  They led Chris to another room that was indeed set up like a bedroom, but with only two walls and a fake half wall with the appearance of a window, but it was cut off at the top. There were three cameras sat up in the corners of the room and another at the foot of the bed. Chris stopped just in the doorway, stock still, staring wide eyed at the bed. It was all white. Big fluffy white pillows, white comforter, white curtains, hell, even the radio and lube that sat on the bedside table were white. The bedside table, white! The only color in the room was the walls which were a deep, royal blue.

  “That’s… well, that’s a lot of white,” he managed to choke out. Andrew shoved Mattie and Victor out of the room before making a circle and turning on all the cameras.

  “Okay, in the bedside drawer are a few goodies; feel free to use one or more.” He smiled coyly, “Don’t worry; they are all new, still in their packages, gifts from a couple of our sponsors. There is lube on the dresser and you can set the radio to whatever you like. I’ll cut the music if I don’t like it and add my own.” He turned back to Chris only to see he’d gone as white as his surroundings.

  Andrew placed his hands on Chris’s shoulders, trying to calm him. “Hey, don’t freak out okay. This is a solo video. Just imagine you are in your own bed in your apartment. You’re seventeen again, alone at home, jacking off to your favorite Playgirl picture or that girl at school that really cranks your shaft.” That made Chris laugh, and his tense muscles loosened a bit. He still didn’t speak. Afraid his voice would come out as broken as he felt right then, he just nodded. Andrew laughed as he moved toward the door.

  “Just meet us back in Victor’s office when you’re done. Oh, and Chris?” Chris glanced at him over his shoulder, “Take your time.” Andrew smiled at him before disappearing and closing the door.

  ~ Chapter 5 | Here goes Nothing ~

  Chris took a few minutes to gather his thoughts, taking in his surroundings, what he was about to do finally sinking in. Reminding himself that there were only three people in the world that really cared about him, relaxed him. Where some models might worry about what their families and friends would think of their decision to do this type of work, Chris didn’t have that concern.

  He noticed his backpack sitting at the base of the camera that was at the foot of the bed, Mattie was a saint! He pulled out his I-pod and went over to the bed, sitting and plugging it in, quickly finding his jazz playlist. The music always relaxed him and soon the seedy notes of the saxophone filled the empty space. Chris lay back on the bed, closing his eyes and taking a few minutes to think about how he wanted to do this.

  He sat up and opened the drawer Andrew mentioned, laughing out loud when he saw an item similar to the one he and Jordan had ordered last night. He decided against stripping down, thinking it might be sexier to anyone watching if he kept part of himself hidden, slowly revealing a little over time as the video progressed. Fleshjack and lube in hand, Chris positioned himself with his back against the headboard. Exhaling, he thought, “Well, here goes nothing!”


  Andrew sat at his desk in the attic of their home editing the footage he had of Chris from his introduction and solo and he couldn’t believe how natural it came to Chris. The guy was a conundrum, equal parts confident and shy, but it was so endearingly sexy, Andrew knew that fans of their site were going to flip shit over Kris’s videos. Andrew had decided to use the shot of Chris running his fingers through his hair, smilingly awkwardly into his lap as his cover shot for the site for now. Once they had some videos with actual sex in them, he would rethink the pose, but the natural beauty of the auburn haired fully tatted guy, so vulnerable and open in that moment was ‘the money shot’ as Andrew liked to call it.

  The first time Andrew watched Kris’s masturbation video he had gotten hard as a rock and had to shut everything down, going off in search of one or both of his partners to help him alleviate the pressure. Chris was so unknowingly sexy; it was such a turn on. He would go from confident and assured while driving his extremely large cock into his fist, too timid and unsure in about five seconds flat, faltering in his strokes which would only lengthen the time it took him to reach orgasm. But, oh my god, did it make for fantastic footage for the site. He never took off his clothes, which was frustrating at first, but Andrew chose footage to compile the ten minute video that was cohesive as well as visually appealing and satisfying.

  Feeling like he had the right mixtures of video for both links, Andrew ran downstairs to the kitchen where everyone was gathered at the table playing cards. He grabbed Victor, Chris, a handful of chips and a couple beers and headed back up to show them what he hoped was the final videos they could upload to the All Cocks sight.

  Chris thought he would be embarrassed watching himself jack off on camera, with guests, but he felt completely at ease with Andrew and Victor. Andrew turned his laptop around so they could all see and pressed a button. Chris’s playlist floated through the speakers on the desk and he smiled. “Your music was so perfect I had to use it. Some of the notes didn’t come through as crisp as I like to hear, so I had to download the songs from I-tunes, but they are the same as yours,” Andrew told him.

  There on the screen, Chris saw himself and finally understood the reason his new employer had chosen an all-white backdrop. Kris’s auburn hair and colorfully inked skin was a stark contrast to the basic white that bathed the room around him. It was as if he were floating on a cloud. He saw himself, smiling up at the camera as he unbuttoned his jeans and rubbed his cock through the soft material of the Calvin Klein briefs Mattie had insisted he wear, white of course. Again, the white of the briefs popped against his tanned and inked skin as they peaked out of the dark denim of his jeans.

  “Wow, this really is a production, now I get it,” Chris said. Andrew and Victor just laughed as a moan drifted through the speakers. Victor shushed him and Chris turned his attention back to the computer screen.

  Kris continued to rub the palm of one hand over his fastly growing cock, while reaching up and pinching his nipple through the soft cotton material of his shirt with the other. He watched as he rested his head against the headboard pinching his nipple harder, fisting his cock through the briefs with the other hand. Both Chris and Kris gasped and Victor shushed him again.

  Kris’s eyes were shut tight as he gave up on the rubbing and finally ran his hand down into his underwear, wrapping his cock in a tight grip, ass lifting up off the bed a couple inches. It would seem that Kris now required skin to skin contact because he ran his other hand up under his shirt to pinch his nipple with his fingertips, moaning out loud again. A few hard pinches that were synced perfectly with a couple hard pulls on his stiff cock and Kris let go of both appendages, seeking out the fleshjack and lube.

  Holding the toy in one hand, Chris managed to shove his briefs far enough down that his cock, glistening with pre-come, and the thatch of auburn curls it stemmed from were finally, fully visible. Squirting a generous amount of lube over the tip of his shaft, he tossed the lube back onto the bed, bringing the plastic down over his cock and enveloping it in one slow stroke.

  This time Chris watched as Kris cried out and slammed his head back onto the head board. With one hand controlling the fleshjack that suffocated his cock, the other fisted in the thick, white blanket he sat on, Kris began thrusting up into the plastic, his moans and cries growing louder and sharper as his movements became frantic and uncoordinated. Chris had become a master at jacking off over the last five years. He’d had a handful of one night stands, but for the most part, sex wasn’t very fulfilling for him anymore. Watching himself now as he pleasured himself on lily white sheets, he realized that this w
as the first time he had really allowed himself to feel the joy of sex since before the accident.

  Kris bit his bottom lip as his ass came up off the bed again and again, over and over, faster, driving into the fleshjack so fast that his arm wasn’t even moving anymore, his ass and dick were doing all the work now. Holding himself up with the one hand that was fisted in the sheets, Kris’s back bowed and low growl that morphed into a loud groan fell across his lips as thick ropes of come shot out of the open end of the toy he was using. It seemed like it took Kris forever to catch his breath, he lay in a heap of denim and white panting for a long while, curled up on his side now. Just as the video started to fade, Kris opened his eyes and looked up into the camera, smiling, that damn sort of shy, sort of confident, even a little bit cocky smile.

  “That right there!” Andrew shouted, “That fucking shy cocky smile is what is going to sell every damn video you do. Always save THAT smile for the end, sort of the afterglow, if you get my meaning.”